Timothy Christopher Galvin - Online Memorial Website

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Timothy Galvin
Born in United States
18 years
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"I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me" 2 Samuel 12:23

This memorial website was created to remember our dearest Timothy Christopher Galvin who was born in Miami Oklahoma on April 21, 1989 and passed away on November 8, 2007. You will live forever in our memories and hearts.

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It's the Soldier, not the reporter  Who has given us the freedom of the press.  It's the Soldier, not the poet,  Who has given us the freedom of speech.  It's the Soldier, not the politicians  That ensures our right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.  It's the Soldier who salutes the flag,  Who serves beneath the flag,  And whose coffin is draped by the flag. 
Summer is here and your not.   Doesn't seem right.   All the funny memories I have of you always make me smile.   Sure miss you !
Timmy...tomorrow you would be 21 years old, it does not seem possible.
Actually it really isn't possible. I miss you so much. I am so sorry that your life was cut so short. Till we meet again Son.
Susie (Atchley) Canady

I remember going to school with Timmy in Vinita he was always smiles and made everyone else smile right along with him. It is such a tragedy to lose a classmate and a childhood friend. Rest In Peace Timmy although your gone you are NEVER forgotten.




Beneath this granite stone

that marks his resting place,

our beloved son sleeps

in the Lords long embrace.


Memories are all thats left

for his Dad and I to hold,

Because our son, Timothy,

went to Heaven when he

was just eighteen years old.


We feel empty and lonely,

since he left our lives so soon,

We find great comfort in knowing

that he is with his Grandma June.


Timmy, we can feel you with us and

Sometimes in the distance

we can see your smiling face,

But until we meet again,

we weep at your resting place.



Quick Gallery
Freedom Banner Basic Training FLW Basic Training FLW First picture of Timmy at Graduation Announcement/Newspaper Sergeant at dusk After graduation ceremony