Timothy Christopher Galvin - Online Memorial Website

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Timothy Galvin
Born in United States
18 years
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It's the Soldier, not the reporter  Who has given us the freedom of the press.  It's the Soldier, not the poet,  Who has given us the freedom of speech.  It's the Soldier, not the politicians  That ensures our right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.  It's the Soldier who salutes the flag,  Who serves beneath the flag,  And whose coffin is draped by the flag. 
Summer is here and your not.   Doesn't seem right.   All the funny memories I have of you always make me smile.   Sure miss you !
Timmy...tomorrow you would be 21 years old, it does not seem possible.
Actually it really isn't possible. I miss you so much. I am so sorry that your life was cut so short. Till we meet again Son.
Susie (Atchley) Canady

I remember going to school with Timmy in Vinita he was always smiles and made everyone else smile right along with him. It is such a tragedy to lose a classmate and a childhood friend. Rest In Peace Timmy although your gone you are NEVER forgotten.




Beneath this granite stone

that marks his resting place,

our beloved son sleeps

in the Lords long embrace.


Memories are all thats left

for his Dad and I to hold,

Because our son, Timothy,

went to Heaven when he

was just eighteen years old.


We feel empty and lonely,

since he left our lives so soon,

We find great comfort in knowing

that he is with his Grandma June.


Timmy, we can feel you with us and

Sometimes in the distance

we can see your smiling face,

But until we meet again,

we weep at your resting place.



AUGUST 13, 2008
The night before Tim left for Basic Training
Msg. fwd from Beth Long to Timara Meeks
My Brendan reminded me of something yesterday that I want to share with you. Last year was the first year he was not scared of the 4th of July, but he spent it in Florida with my dad, so this is the first year I was able to spend with him that he was not inside screaming and trying to hide from the fireworks. He and I were driving home and we were talking and laughing about all of the different years he hid from the fireworks, and how two years ago we were at the lake and I sat in the van with him with the windows up (I wanted to die it was so hot).
For several years, we went to my friend Amy's house between Pryor and Claremore. We couldn't agree on if it was four or five years ago, but we invited Chris, and he and Timmy came. They got there after dinner, but in time to watch most of the fireworks. All of the older kids had left and Jordan was with his mom, I felt bad for Timmy because he ended up being the only teenager left. Brendan of course was inside with his best friend Allison, who is just like him, including her fear of fireworks. As we were driving past a cemetary yesterday on the way home, Brendan asked if that is where Timmy was burried, and where he was burried and wanted to know if Timmy would be able to see the fireworks because he knows Timmy isn't scared of them. As we were telling our remember when stories about his fear of fireworks, he told me he would always remember when Timmy sat inside with him and Allison because they were scared. He said "just because our firecrackers were over there was still firecrackers going on all around us and we were still scared and you guys didn't know, but Timmy stayed with us and covered his ears with us and made us laugh so we wouldn't be so scared and he watched Sponge Bob with us until all the noise was over." I think Brendan and Allison fell asleep and Timmy went in the other room and watched MTV but Brendan doesn't know that. I had forgotten about that until he reminded me yesterday. I thought it would be a good story to share with you.
I hope everything is good with you.
  This is a great picture of Papa & I in the garage practicing with our new digital camera a few months ago. I thought you would get a kick out of it because you were always our "TECH GUY" and now we are having to learn all kinds of new technology from scratch...yes we consider the digital camera "NEW TECHNOLOGY" We've got a lot to learn, huh?
HARMD® (Helping America Reduce Methadone Deaths), is a non-profit organization founded by surviving family members of loved ones lost to methadone. Our objective is to decrease opiate-related addiction, injury, and death.

 Our mission is to …

·improve assessment, prescribing, dosing, and administration requirements for all methadone-related therapies, while insuring quality of care

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·lobby for more stringent regulation, management, and monitoring of all methadone-related therapies

·promote stricter laws, tougher consequences, and harsher penalties for opiate diversion to preserve community safety
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